Clematis Bach Flower Remedy
Key Word - Being in the here & now | Bach Group - Lack of Interest
What Does Clematis Help With...

Clematis helps those who all too easily drift off into daydreams and fantasies about the future feeling that life will be better there, than it currently is. People in need of this remedy seem to be generally inattentive or sleepy and might complain of forgetfulness or a lack of concentration. They often have cold feet and hands, and often need lots of sleep. Their lack of desire to be fully present means that they have their ‘head in the clouds’ most of the time and are generally ungrounded which makes them prone to appearing clumsy or accident-prone. Psychics and those working a lot in their imagination like artists and writers often need the ‘reality check’ that this remedy brings.
- Latin Name - Clematis vitalba
- Clematis is prepared by the sun method of potentisation
- Dr Bach placed Clematis in the Insufficient Interest in Present Circumstances Group
- Clematis is one of Bach’s original Twelve Healers
- Clematis is part of the Revival Remedy combination
Dr Bach’s Description of Clematis

"Those who are dreamy, drowsy, not fully awake, no great interest inlife. Quiet people, not really happy in their present circumstances, living more in the future than in the present; living in hopes of happier times, when their ideals may come true. In illness some make little or no effort to get well, and in certain may even look forward to death, in the hope of better times; or maybe, meeting again some beloved one whom they have lost."
From the Twelve Healers & Other Remedies - By Dr Edward Bach ( 1936 edition )
More Insights Into Clematis
"Clematis is the Bach Remedy for grounding and presence, for being fully in the moment and engaged with your life"
“Clematis is the remedy for the dreamers, artists, mystics and visionaries who are more comfortable in the imaginal realm than they are in the everyday realities of life. Clematis can help you to become more embodied, grounded and present so that you can bring your dreams into manifestation in the physical realm. If you escape into your imagination because you don’t want to be here on some level, Clematis is the remedy for you. It takes you on the journey from escaping reality to being fully here so you can bring the beautiful world that you dream of into reality.” Jackie Stewart - Crystal Herbs
"Clematis is for grounding and presence, for being fully in the moment and engaged with your life. If you need Clematis you might feel a bit dreamy, ungrounded or indifferent to life. The Clematis state can also feel like a deep desire not to have to face reality or engage with the difficulties of daily life. A desire to escape reality and to hope for a better, easier future. Clematis helps you to feel more grounded, present and in your body and more able to function effectively in life.” Sam Cremnitz - Crystal Herbs
"People in the negative Clematis state are wanderers between the worlds. Reality doesn't hold much attraction for them; whenever possible they'll withdraw from the bothersome present to their castles in the air. When things seem to be getting unpleasant, or even difficult, they'll often make highly unrealistic suggestions for the solution of problems or, to the horror of the people around them, give themselves up to idealistic illusions." The Encyclopedia of Bach Flower Therapy by Mechthild Scheffer

"Clematis is the clear antithesis of Impatiens. If Bach was looking for his own type remedy in Impatiens, it is perhaps an indication of his genius that he could imagine something so different at one and same time. Bach may have been a dreamer in that he imagined a better future, an easier life, but he was not apparently touched by the negative attributes of the Clematis type, whom he described as 'having little desire for life" - requiring many hours of sleep at night with a sluggish constitution, a pale and muddy complexion. Bach lived by the bedroom maxim 'time to turn over, time to turn out' and was, as an Impatiens, eager for the day and what it might bring. Just the opposite of the Clematis types as he described them 'wishing there was not another day to face ... how good it would be just to go to sleep'." Bach Flower Remedies Form & Function by Julian Barnard
"Dr. Bach said that the following symptoms were common in varying degrees in the Clematis types: a vacant, faraway look; indifference; inattentiveness: preoccupation; dreaminess; drowsiness; as a rule they are heavy sleepers, and often they have a marked pallor. The Clematis folk are daydreamers and they are absent minded. They live more in their thoughts than in their actions. They lack concentration because their interest in things of the present, and often in life itself, is but half-hearted. They avoid difficulties or unpleasantness by allowing their attention to wander, and by withdrawing into a world of illusion and unreality." Illustrated Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies by Philip Chancellor

How to Use Bach Flower Remedies
Essence Type: Single Flower Remedy | Stock Level
The Insufficient Interest in Present Circumstances Group
Dr Bach placed his 38 Bach Flower Remedies in seven main groups. As mentioned, Clematis is in the Insufficient Interest in Present Circumstances Group which contains the following remedies: Chestnut Bud - inability to learn ones lessons, Clematis - dreamy, absent minded, Honeysuckle - living in the past, homesickness, Mustard - gloom, despair for no apparent reason, Olive - tiredness, exhaustion, White Chestnut - thoughts buzzing around in head and Wild Rose - apathy, lack of enthusiasm.