The Chestnut Bud flower

Chestnut Bud Bach Flower Remedy

Key Word - Learning from experience | Bach Group - Lack of Interest

What Does Chestnut Bud Help With...

10ml and 25ml Chestnut Bud Remedy bottles

Chestnut Bud helps those who need to focus more fully on their current life experiences in order to move forward. Those in need of Chestnut Bud appear to repeat the same old life situations over & over again, seemingly unable to assimilate the lesson in the experience that would allow them to move on. An example might be someone who finds themselves in a cycle of destructive relationships but cannot seem to make the inner changes that would allow them to disentangle themselves. Chestnut Bud is a generally helpful remedy for anyone who finds it difficult to take in information in any form.

Dr Bach’s Description of Chestnut Bud

Dr Edward Bach portrait

"For those who do not take full advantage of observation and experience, and who take a longer time than others to learn the lessons of daily life. Whereas one experience would be enough for some, such people find it necessary to have more, sometimes several, before the lesson is learnt. Therefore, to their regret, they find themselves having to make the same error on different occasions when once would have been enough, or observation of others could have spared them even that one fault."

From the Twelve Healers & Other Remedies - By Dr Edward Bach ( 1936 edition )

More Insights Into Chestnut Bud

"Chestnut Bud relates to the Soul's potential for learning. If you're in the negative Chestnut Bud state you have a problem finding the right means to coordinate your internal world of thought with the physical reality around you. You tend to repeat the same mistakes over and over and never seem to learn from experience. A woman, for instance, will keep buying blouses in a certain shade of pink, even though she knows the color doesn't suit her and she knows that in her closet she has five almost identical blouses that she never wears. Asked why she does it, she might say, somewhat awkwardly, 'Yes, it's funny really - I keep falling for this color.' " The Encyclopedia of Bach Flower Therapy by Mechthild Scheffer

"The thought that people suffer in order to learn, or rather that failure to learn brings suffering, may have been uppermost in Bach's mind as he approached the next of the remedies: Chestnut Bud. This one, he said, is about making full use of observation and experience to 'learn the lessons of daily life.' Some people only need to have an experience once and they learn from it what they need to know and build that into their life patterning. Others find they need to repeat the experience, often several times, before it becomes effectively a part of them. Bach speaks of these lessons in terms of 'error' and 'fault', so we may suppose that he has quite specific experiences in mind." Bach Flower Remedies Form & Function by Julian Barnard

"This is the Remedy for those people who tend to make the same mistakes over and over again. They do not seem to learn the lesson inherent in the experience. This may be because of indifference, or from hurry and inattention, or through lack of observation. Whatever the cause may be, they tend to create the same errors and to experience the same difficulties repeatedly. Finally, they may gain sufficient wisdom to learn how to deal successfully with such occurrences; only then will they be free of them." Illustrated Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies by Philip Chancellor

Chestnut Bud - 10ml and 25ml size bottles Shop: Chestnut Bud Bach Flower Remedy

How to Use Bach Flower Remedies

Essence Type: Single Flower Remedy | Stock Level


The Insufficient Interest in Present Circumstances Group

Dr Bach placed his 38 Bach Flower Remedies in seven main groups. As mentioned, Chestnut Bud is in the Insufficient Interest in Present Circumstances Group which contains the following remedies: Chestnut Bud - inability to learn ones lessons, Clematis - dreamy, absent minded, Honeysuckle - living in the past, homesickness, Mustard - gloom, despair for no apparent reason, Olive - tiredness, exhaustion, White Chestnut - thoughts buzzing around in head and Wild Rose - apathy, lack of enthusiasm.


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