The Honeysuckle flower

Honeysuckle Bach Flower Remedy

Key Word - Letting Go | Bach Group - Lack of Interest

What Does Honeysuckle Help With...

10ml and 25ml Honeysuckle Remedy bottles

Honeysuckle helps those who are unable to let go of the past in some way. Those in need of this remedy are often locked into past happier times which they feel can never return, leaving them with feelings of nostalgia, sadness or regret. This is an excellent remedy for anyone experiencing difficulty with homesickness, bereavement, divorce, or unaccepted change of all kinds. Honeysuckle helps to dissolve these difficult feelings bringing greater acceptance of the past and hope for the future. Honeysuckle, Star of Bethlehem and Walnut used in combination are a particularly valuable support for anyone coming to terms with loss of any kind.

Dr Bach’s Description of Honeysuckle

Dr Edward Bach portrait

"Those who live much in the past, perhaps a time of great happiness, or memories of a lost friend, or ambitions which have not come true. They do not expect further happiness such as they have had."

From the Twelve Healers & Other Remedies - By Dr Edward Bach ( 1936 edition )

More Insights Into Honeysuckle

"If you're in the negative Honeysuckle state you're physically in the present but mentally stuck in the past. To be in swo places at the same time and to bridge the gulf between past and present require a great deal of psychic energy. This energy goes up in smoke and becomes painfully unavailable in the present - where the course is set for the future. In the negative Honeysuckle state the personality refuses to be guided by its Higher Self according to its Life Plan. It ignores the fact that one of the most important life principles is continuous change, that everything is in a state of flux. Instead it wants to determine its own destiny, particularly in emotional situations, and the standards it applies are narrow and self-centered." The Encyclopedia of Bach Flower Therapy by Mechthild Scheffer

"It is rather as if Pine had pushed Bach back towards his childhood to re-evaluate family involvements and, mentally, he had become stuck there - and so needed Honeysuckle to get back to the present. Honeysuckle also links to Clematis. Clematis looks to the future, dreaming of better times to come; Honeysuckle dreams of the past and does not expect such happiness again. The two remedies are like the two faces of the god Janus - one looking forward to the New Year, the other looking to the old - after whom January is named." Bach Flower Remedies Form & Function by Julian Barnard

"Dr. Bach wrote of Honeysuckle: "This is the Remedy to remove from the mind the regrets and sorrows of the past, to counteract all influences, all wishes and desires of the past and to bring us back into the present. Living in the past, as a state of mind, does not occur only in the aged, though it is but natural that their thoughts should return to pleasant memories of years gone by and the friends and experiences of their youth." It also can be seen in the homesick youngster during his first days at school or away from home, for he too dwells in the past, though the past is not far removed in time. During any period of unhappiness, boredom or sorrow, the mind may revert to the memory of a lost friend, or to ambitions which were never fulfilled. Under those conditions an individual may lose interest in the present, and he may make no effort to confront existing difficulties; the body is left to struggle on in the present moment, while the mind relives the past and does not contribute to the well-being of the body. " Illustrated Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies by Philip Chancellor

Honeysuckle - 10ml and 25ml size bottles Shop: Honeysuckle Bach Flower Remedy

How to Use Bach Flower Remedies

Essence Type: Single Flower Remedy | Stock Level


The Insufficient Interest in Present Circumstances Group

Dr Bach placed his 38 Bach Flower Remedies in seven main groups. As mentioned, Honeysuckle is in the Insufficient Interest in Present Circumstances Group which contains the following remedies: Chestnut Bud - inability to learn ones lessons, Clematis - dreamy, absent minded, Honeysuckle - living in the past, homesickness, Mustard - gloom, despair for no apparent reason, Olive - tiredness, exhaustion, White Chestnut - thoughts buzzing around in head and Wild Rose - apathy, lack of enthusiasm.


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